Programmer, Web Developer
I design useful & neat things
In the business for over a decade, I've come across - and solved - many a riddle. From simple web pages, through Content Management Systems, e-commerce platforms, and complex, bespoke models at the core of network-marketing (MLM) solutions.
Designing for humans
For the end-user
The most important measure of my work's worth is the end-user's experience. I take great care so that everything I produce is pleasant to use, intuitive and easy on the eyes. Put briefly: I pay a lot of attention to UX, if only for the simple reason that things not in use can't be considered useful.
For the expert
A pretty face isn't all it takes. There exist no complete programs. Most will eventually change hands. It's critical to me that my work can be taken up and continued by others - without having them scratch their heads, trying to figure out what the author had in mind. There's a popular belief that well-written code documents itself, and perhaps it does - but that's only part of a wider context.
In the Workshop
Of lamps and cod(e)
For many years, I've been involved with Eqology, a company that strives ceaselessly to ensure wellness and health without the price. Behind this endeavour, there's a sizeable software solution, maintained by a few braves. I'm one of them.
It's an entire microcosm of services. There's the e-commerce platform, paired with a CRM system; Then a Back-Office; A return-order management system; Numerous integrations with third party services: payment platforms, newsletter systems etc. Finally, the heart of the matter: a business management platform for our business-partners.
Eqology is an unusual company with unusual needs. It requires bespoke solutions. There's hence a number of original, in-house programs, which tend to be - ironically - based on some of the most common and ubiquitous technologies of the Web. Most of them employ the tried & true software stack concealed within the acronym of LAMP.
In the Atelier
Ideas great and small
My daily work pertains chiefly to Web Development from the bottom up, i.e. Full-Stack. After-hours, and for my own amusement, I reach for a different range of topics and technologies.
I've developed a variety of silly little things, such as:
- An interactive database of keywords and thoughts, arranged hierarchically as a tree, employing the use of so-called Zippers. Navigation is facilitated by a graphical browser, resembling a file explorer, as well as a fuzzy-search feature.
- A bot connected to the Discord application, serving photographs of red pandas on demand. Adorable and uplifting! The service includes a primitive, cooperative moderation system. It's there for a good (if sordid) reason. The photos come from the internet, chiefly at random. Suffice it to say that they're not all valid for print.
- A prototype of a blogging platform based on Bottle, titled Graphomania -
for those who must write, but probably shouldn't
. A minor quibble, partly at my own expense - do forgive the mischief. - A helper library called Phunky, translating some of the basic idioms and features from Clojure to PHP.
My adventure with general computing began a long time ago, when as a wee lad I came across the 8-bit Atari computer for the very first time. It was akin to a secular revelation, a miracle in a box. My head was about to burst from all the wonders projected by the cathode-ray tube.
My Atari
It's the video games that had me smitten first and foremost - an affliction still pending. Tough luck then that once I finally received my very own Mount-Fuji-branded machine, new obstacles arose. I owned no tape recorder, much less a floppy disk drive. Aside from the manual, my only accessories were: a joystick, and my sole video game cartridge: Donkey Kong. I knew for a fact that this machine could offer so much more!
Do it yourself
I soon discovered that in the absence of storage media, my Atari would go on to display a lush, turquoise background, and write out the key-word: READY. The readiness was underlined, proverbially and literally, by a rectangular cursor - a gateway to another world. Beyond the teal was a live interpreter of the programming language: BASIC. That's how it all began.
These origins manifest here and again. They might explain my affinity for the Clojure programming language. I cherish its highly interactive workflow based on the REPL. In many ways, it's a natural evolution of my experiences with Atari's BASIC.
Concerning professional inquiries, please contact me via e-mail.
On the Web